MVES - What better way to end a PJ Friday than turn it to a Truffula Tree Fri-Yay as our fourth graders did to end Read Across America Week.

MVES - Mrs. Turner's second graders learned about chemical reactions as they mixed different ingredients to make bouncy balls that actually bounced! Students measured various ingredients, mixed concoctions that were easy to stir and some that were more challenging. As you can see, everyone had an all-around fun time!

MVES - Mrs. Bonham's first graders learned about volcanoes in their pjs on Friday.

MVES - We finished Read Across America Week in our pjs last Friday. We enjoyed seeing everyone who participated in our dress up days and our students enjoying classic Dr. Seuss books.

MVES - Our little Jackets were excited to send off our Lady Jackets to the State Tournament today!! Congratulations on your BIG win this afternoon and we will be cheering you on tomorrow!!! G🏀 JACKETS!!!#weswarmtogether

MVES - We were high-stepping in our cRaZy socks as we continue to celebrate Read Across America this week!!

MVES - Second graders learned that structures can be made of many different materials, including paper. Students worked together to construct towers that were as tall as a ruler and others that were strong enough to hold up a hardback book. Looks like we have some future engineers, construction workers, and even a few supervisors!

MVES - Third grade is still debating if it is a solid or a liquid after making oobleck. They read Dr. Seuss' 1949 classic, "Bartholomew and the Oobleck," today. As fun as making the oobleck was, the story also taught us to take responsibility for our actions, which is always a good reminder!

MVES - While it was a windy Wednesday outside, it was a "Wacky Wednesday" inside at Mountain View Pre-School and Elementary today. Our students' clothing was backwards or mismatched!! Oh! My! Goodness!
Be ready for Thursday, they are going to be looking like "Fox in Socks" by wearing CrAzY or mismatched socks!! We can't wait to see what those look like tomorrow!!

MVES - We are so enjoying seeing our students participating in our dress up days for Read Across America Week. Tomorow, we will be wearing backwards or mismatched clothing as we represent the book "Wacky Wednesday" by Dr. Seuss.

MVES - Oh, my...it was a wild day with all the animal prints, stripes, and spots! We even had Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3 running around!!

MVES - Our SchoolStore Fundraiser has been extended until this Friday, March 7. All your child needs to share is 5 emails and they can win a Book Buddy!! Thank you to everyone who has already signed up!!

MVES - KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION THIS FRIDAY!!! We are looking forward to meeting our new little Yellowjackets!!! Please bring your child, his or her birth certificate, Socisl Security card, and immunization record. Your child will be screened. Please be prepared for a brief wait. See you on FRIDAY, MARCH 7!! Please come to the Kindergarten Center located on Killian Street behind Mountain View Elementary. Your child must turn 5 on or before August 1, 2025.

MVES - Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! We are dressing up to celebrate Dr. Seuss and Read Across America this week!! We will be starting tomorrow by wearing a hat or CrAzY hAiR!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone dressed up and READING this week!!!!

MVES - Did you see that?!? That was crazy!!! It was hat or CrAzY hAiR day in celebration of Dr. Seuss' book "The Cat in the Hat" for Read Across America Week. Tomorrow, we are looking for animal prints, stripes, or spots!

MVES - PRE-K REGISTRATION THIS FRIDAY!! If your child will be 3 on or before August 1, 2025, he or she may register for Pre-K!! Please bring your child's birth certificate, Social Security card, current immunization records, and your 2024 tax returns or proof of employment to the Kindergarten Center on Friday, March 7. Applications are taken on a first come, first served basis and must have all documents to be complete.

MVES - Who's ready for Pre-K? Pre-K Registration is Here!!! March 7 at the Mountain View Kindergarten Building from 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00. All students must be 3 years old before or on August 1, 2025. Please bring your child's official birth certificate, Social Security card, current immunization record, and proof of income or 2024 Income Tax Returns. Applications are taken on a first come, first served basis.

MVES - It's here! Will your child be 5 before or on August 1, 2025? Then we can't wait to meet them at KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION on MARCH 7, 2025. Please bring your child, their birth certificate, Social Security card, and immunization record. All incoming students who did not attend our Pre-K will be screened during registration. Please be prepared for a brief wait. If you do not live in the Mountain View School District and/or you would like for your child to attend our campus, you may fill out School Choice paperwork at the superintendent's office by May 1, 2025. We look forward to seeing all of our incoming Yellowjackets on Friday, March 7 from 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00.

MVES - Addison was the first student to complete the entire Keyboarding Without Tears program. She has worked very diligently, spending all of her free time working extra on assignments. So proud of Addison!

MVES - Mrs. Bonham's first graders loved getting to graph their candy hearts♥️. After all, that is the sweetest way to learn!